Games for Health is important for seniors At some point in your research for activities for an older adult, you will find organizations that tout memory games for preventing Alzheimer’s. While there is no solid evidence that these games help prevent the disease, they can help provide...

Fall Prevention Awareness Week is September 20-24, 2021 National Fall Prevention Awareness Week is September 20-24, 2021, and this year Care to Stay Home has information in our newsletter as well on our social media channels. You can find our Facebook Page Here: Spokane Care to Stay Home According to the National...

We got to meet up with our caregivers one on one. It was great!!! To show our caregivers how much they mean to us the office staff at Care To Stay Home banded together to have a Box Lunch Extravaganza. The lunch consisted of a croissant, water, cookie, bag...

It's important to manage your diabetes, especially in the heat. There is so much to love about summertime; vacations, backyard BBQs and the warmer weather! In the past few months, Spokane has been experiencing record-breaking heat and a lack of precipitation. All these factors affect those who have diabetes.  Did you know that...

Activity is great for the body and the soul. Staying active is tough no matter what age you are. Being active takes dedication and can provide you with physical, emotional, and mental benefits.We can talk about it all day but what you really want to know...

There are many ways to begin the planning ahead conversation of one’s final wishes. You know your family and how your loved ones might best respond to the topic. For some families, it might be a casual conversation over dinner or another family gathering. For other families, a...

July is Healthy Vision Month. How are you protecting your eyes Do you remember the last time that you watched a sunset? What about a rainbow or the even more elusive double-rainbow? Our vision, which is one of our five senses, is essential for our quality...