17 Sep Fall Prevention Awareness Week September 20-24, 2021
Posted at 09:52h
in Care To Stay Home News

National Fall Prevention Awareness Week is September 20-24, 2021, and this year Care to Stay Home has information in our newsletter as well on our social media channels. You can find our Facebook Page Here: Spokane Care to Stay Home
According to the National Council on Aging, there are a number of myths of older adult falls that should be corrected:
- Myth: Falls can happen to others but not me. Many people believe that a fall can’t happen to them but in reality, 1 in 4 older adults fall every day in this country.
- Myth: Falling is something normal that happens as you age. A fall is not a normal part of the aging process, and strength and balance exercises along with managing your medications and having your vision checked could help you avoid a fall. You should ensure that your living environment is safe to aid in preventing a fall.
- Myth: If I limit activity, I won’t fall. People believe that the best way to prevent falls is to not do anything at all. There is no truth to that. While doing activities will actually keep seniors independent, it will also increase strength and motion as a benefit from staying active.
- Myth: As long as I stay home, I can avoid falling. In the home are where half of falls take place. Take the time to check your home for fall risks and take the time to fix simple but serious hazards. These include clutter, throw rugs, and poor lighting. Help those who are fall risks by installing grab bars in the restrooms, a second handrail on the stairs, and non-slip paint on outdoor steps.
Take these tips to heart. The next time you are at a home of a family member or friend who may be at risk of falling be proactive. The time spent preventing falls could save a significant injury or something more serious.
Find out more about Fall Prevention Week by visiting the National Council on Aging Website