What Is Respite Care?

Full-time caregiving is an act of love, but everyone needs time to rest and recuperate—yet it’s not uncommon for primary caregivers to go weeks or months with little or no time off.

Respite care provides a temporary break. It gives you time to recover from the physical and emotional demands of caring for a sick, aging, or disabled family member.

Respite care allows you to pause and take a breath, knowing your loved one will continue to receive the care they need in a safe environment.

Benefits of Respite Care

People with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia typically need round-the-clock care and supervision—but no one can provide nonstop support indefinitely.

If you’re the primary caregiver for a person with dementia, it’s important to know that taking time for yourself isn’t selfish. In fact, it can strengthen your ability to provide quality care. It’s also good for the person receiving care.

Respite care can give you the time and space to take care of important errands, catch up with family and friends, or just relax. It also gives your loved one an opportunity to interact with others and have new experiences.

Who Needs Respite Care?

Respite care can provide a much-needed break for caregivers looking after a person with:

  • Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Blindness
  • Stroke
  • Chronic illness or injury

In a home setting, a professional caregiver can help your loved one with essential everyday tasks like bathing, eating, taking medication, dressing, toileting, exercising, getting in and out of bed, and walking.

In-home caregivers are trained to provide a variety of services, including:

  • Meal preparation
  • Homemaker services (laundry, light housekeeping)
  • Companionship
  • Transportation
  • Skilled care services (home health)

Respite care can be delivered in a variety of settings, including long-term care communities and adult day care centers. However, for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, being in unfamiliar surroundings with strangers can be stressful.

In-home care provides the stimulation, support, and companionship a person needs to thrive, but in the comfort of familiar surroundings. It’s why it’s often the preferred choice for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Addressing Concerns

It’s normal to be apprehensive about getting outside help. You want your loved one to receive the care they need and deserve. Here are some of the most common reasons caregivers are  reluctant to use respite care and ways to address those concerns:

Dependability – If you’re concerned about the reliability or capability of an outside caregiver, a careful investigation of any provider you’re considering may help put your mind at ease. Look for an agency with consistently positive reviews and one that is Home Care Pulse-certified. This certification indicates that the provider has met selective standards for client and caregiver satisfaction.

Cost – If you’re concerned about how to pay for services, there may be government programs that can help. Your local Alzheimer’s Association branch can put you in touch with financial assistance providers. Many in-home care providers offer reasonable fees for their services, so it’s worth calling a provider directly to inquire about costs.

Guilt or Family Expectations – A common reason people don’t get outside help is because they believe they should be able to “do it all,” but this is a recipe for burnout. It’s difficult to consistently meet the needs of another person if your own needs aren’t being met. Seeking out respite care services is a gift to yourself and your loved one.

Preparing for the Unexpected

An emergency or unexpected trip can leave you in a bind when it comes to caring for your loved one. You may have an alternative caregiver in mind in case of an emergency. It might be a family member, friend, or neighbor—but what if that person isn’t available?

It’s good to have a backup plan. Find a reputable home care provider in your area and try them out in a non-emergency situation. That way you will be ready for the unexpected.

Keep the agency’s contact information in a place where you can easily retrieve it, even when you’re away from home. Also keep a list of your loved one’s current medications and dosages, along with contact information for their doctor or medical team.

Getting Home Respite Care Services

Spokane Care To Stay Home is one of the most trusted home care providers in the Greater Spokane region, offering a range of in-home respite care services.

We are an award-winning, Home Care Pulse-certified provider. Our caregivers are carefully chosen and screened to ensure your loved ones get the high level of care they deserve.

In addition to non-medical daily living services, we offer a range of specialty services, including Alzheimer’s and dementia care, post-surgical care, and stroke recovery services. Some of the most common tasks performed by our respite caregivers include:

  • Meal preparation
  • Assistance with dressing, grooming, bathing, and toileting
  • Light housekeeping
  • Medication reminders
  • Transportation

Respite care is usually provided on a short-term or temporary basis, but if you need weekly, biweekly, or monthly visits, our team is happy to arrange those services. Our mission is to provide clients with quality care—without exception.

Our team specializes in dementia and is led by a Certified Dementia Practitioner. Get in touch today at (509) 396-2073 for a free assessment and to learn more about our in-home respite care services.