Treasure Valley Team

Rob Fraser Portrait

Rob Fraser - Spokane Office Owner/ Founder

Rob and Jayne Fraser embody the philosophy that family is the cornerstone of life.  With five children, 2 boys and 3 girls, the Fraser’s practice personally what they provide professionally – namely an atmosphere of love and compassion.

The Frasers opened Care to Stay Home in Spokane in 2008. They provide a stable, loving service to assist the elderly with a wide range of non-medical services that are necessary to stay safely in their home.


Both Rob and Jayne are highly capable. With a wealth of experience and an innate gift of visualizing like-minded care, they meet with families and/or clients to ascertain an individual plan of care that will work best in each unique situation. This initial meeting is critical in assessing the needs of the family and assigning the right caregiver thereby minimizing the need for any changes. Matching the right caregiver to the client is crucial to establishing a relationship that begins the continuity of care that is very important throughout the outcome. The Fraser’s important gift of foresight brings comfort and trust to each family served.


Before opening Care to Stay Home, Rob and Jayne thoroughly researched the industry. They added key elements to their care program that others do not offer. Very often, at other agencies, they found clients as well as caregivers treated as numbers with an assembly line attitude toward their care. The most important focus for the Fraser’s is that clients and families get the personal care they deserve. They also have specific expertise that makes them a dynamic team that blends knowledge, experience, and compassion. Both Rob and Jayne have empathy and love for people giving them the ability to go into a situation, assess the needs, and put forth a working plan of action for in-home care.

Aleli Snively

Aleli Snively - General Manager of Treasure Valley

I'm Aleli—pronounced Ah-lay-lee—and I'm the General Manager at the Treasure Valley branch. Originally from the Visayan Islands of the Philippines, I've made California my home since childhood. However, Boise has been my sanctuary for the past twenty years, where I've raised my wonderful family and developed a deep affection for its vibrant community. In my downtime, I relish skiing, boating, camping, and exploring new places with my husband and our five kids. Transitioning from seven years in pediatrics, I found a new calling in serving seniors at Care To Stay Home. Rooted in values of trust, honesty, and compassion, I'm dedicated to enhancing the lives of both our senior clients and caregivers. It's an honor to lead efforts in providing quality services in the Treasure Valley. I'm excited to continue collaborating within our healthcare network to improve services for our senior community, advocating for a client-centered approach that emphasizes resource sharing and coordinated efforts.