Personal Care and AI: Monitoring Your Loved One at Home

There’s been a lot of buzz about artificial intelligence (AI) in the media lately. From virtual assistants like Siri to navigation tools like Google Maps, AI is transforming how we live and work. In fact, you might be surprised at just how often you interact with AI every day.

Artificial intelligence is already benefiting many industries, but it’s showing special promise in home healthcare, especially when it comes to reducing the need for 24-hour in-home care.

Between rising costs and a national shortage of healthcare workers, hiring a full-time caregiver to monitor an aging parent or loved one with dementia can feel completely out of reach.

AI-enhanced patient monitoring systems can help you ensure your loved one is safe, even when you’re not there. A remote patient monitoring system gives you important information about your loved one’s movements and behavioral patterns. It alerts you of issues in real time, so you can take action before an emergency.

Learn more about how AI-enhanced patient monitoring systems can bring you and the whole care management team better peace of mind, and get in touch with our helpful team for more information.