Can Education Reduce the Risk of Dementia?

Education is important in many ways. Not only does education increase income, reduce poverty, and lower crime rates, but recent studies show that it can actually improve health and lower risk of dementia. If we can come together to prevent future generations from suffering from dementia through education, what would stop us?

According to The New England Journal of Medicine, there was a study done, the Framingham Heart Study, in which a group of people were watched from 1975, on. The results were a decrease in dementia from former generations. The largest decrease was found in a group of individuals who had, at least, a high school diploma.

According to The New York Times, many theories are circulating on why education would affect one’s chances of having dementia. Some believe it is because an education is correlated with healthier habits and better medical opportunities due to the correlation education had with higher income. Others believe that dementia is reduced because learning causes an increase in neural connections, supporting the brain longer, when memory begins to fail.

Dr. Sudha Seshadri, a senior investigator in the Framingham Heart Study explains that, “Whether education is beneficial in itself or whether education is a marker for other things like poverty and unhealthy lifestyle” was not analyzed through but in the words of Dr. Langa, another researcher, “We find the more education the better.”

What can we do as a people to slow down the increase of dementia in our society? Focus on education and bettering people’s lives now, that they may have the best quality of life later on! For those who are struggling already with dementia or have a family member that is, we can help! Call for a free assessment today!   Further studies have shown that education can continue throughout life and assist those with memory loss.  Call us today!